
Actualité /Novembre 22 : Le Domaine de Rotisson

Domaine de Rotisson

Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé! Venez le découvrir dans tous les domaines de nos vignerons.

News / June 22; Domaine David Boulet

Domaine David Boulet

High season in this, the month of June 2022.

Photos of the tied-up vines

Flowering photo 

Trimming the vines

News / May: Domaine Gilles Copéret

Domaine Gilles Copéret

All our vinegrower-winemakers are in full swing, here's what Domaine Gilles Copéret is up to.

News/February 22: Domaine Rotisson

Domaine de Rotisson

is busy in this month of February 2022 pruning the vines and preparing the soil for our new plot of Chardonnay at lieu-dit Rotisson. 

vines just in front of the estate buildings before any missing vines are replaced.

/Ploughed plot ready to plant our new Chardonnay.

[Press] Article about La Gamme Beaujolaise's anniversary

Short article in the professional magazine L’Information Agricole du Rhône to commemorate the group's 20th anniversary

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