Le Beaujolais Nouveau est arrivé! Venez le découvrir dans tous les domaines de nos vignerons.
High season in this, the month of June 2022.
Photos of the tied-up vines
Flowering photo
Trimming the vines
All our vinegrower-winemakers are in full swing, here's what Domaine Gilles Copéret is up to.
is busy in this month of February 2022 pruning the vines and preparing the soil for our new plot of Chardonnay at lieu-dit Rotisson.
vines just in front of the estate buildings before any missing vines are replaced.
/Ploughed plot ready to plant our new Chardonnay.
Short article in the professional magazine L’Information Agricole du Rhône to commemorate the group's 20th anniversary
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